Dmitri Vietze
Jan 10, 2023
3 min read

What I’m Expecting in 2023

It’s the time of year when commentators and analysts are telling you what to think about 2022 and what to expect in 2023. Me, I’m thinking about Pendulum Man.

Pendulum Man was a fridge magnet I used to have. It was a stickman figure you would spin, and its arms and legs would spin independently. At first it would spin in a circle as you would expect, but then all of a sudden, the unexpected force of an arm or leg would force Pendulum Man to stop with one limb spinning suddenly in another direction.

It would continue making erratic changes, switches, and stops and starts.

What does a fridge magnet have to do with the future? I think of Pendulum Man as a great metaphor for how to think about The Market. The initial spin of Pendulum Man looks like all our limbs are subject to The Economy, things out of our immediate control.

But I think of the other limbs as factors closer to home: maybe one is the music economy following its own independent cycle; another might be the maturation or phase of your business or role; and another limb might be the decisions and direct impact you have on your company’s success.

In spite of the talk of a recession, The Music Economy is not on the same trajectory as The Economy. It’s a separate limb. One which I expect to create some unexpected tail winds. I believe that music tech is going to outperform other parts of the larger economy.

About Rock Paper Scissors:

Founded in 1999, Rock Paper Scissors, Inc. is a music tech PR firm composed of a diverse team of communicators, creatives, and business minds. We have represented thousands of projects from six continents. Our roster includes clients in music technology, music gear, B2B music agencies, music consumer products and apps, artist-facing and label services, music sync platforms, music AI, fintech for music, and much more.

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About Dmitri Vietze:

Dmitri Vietze

Born in Nashville, Dmitri moved to NYC as a teen where he busked in the subways while studying music at “the Fame High School” for Music and the Arts. After earning his business degree, he leaned into his entrepreneurial bent and launched rock paper scissors in 1999. His vision was to combine cutting edge technology and deep organic storytelling to help clients crystallize their missions in compelling ways and amplify them in innovative ways.

He continues to lead the company from music to tech and into other fields that are changing the world every day. When others told him that the company he envisioned would not succeed in college town Bloomington, Indiana, he took that as a challenge and has built a collaborative team that leans into the Midwestern ethic of hard work, warmth, and caring. Dmitri stays at the cutting edge of music tech innovation by hosting the weekly Music Tectonics podcast and the annual Music Tectonics conference. He can also be found speaking on stage at conferences ranging from SXSW to Music Biz on new approaches to publicity, innovation, and resourcefulness.


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