Cultural Storytelling for Music Creation Tech Companies

Are product reviews enough to tell the world your story? Are you missing out on more valuable press opportunities? Find out how to create a storyfinding process at your music creation tech company and build major media moments with cultural storytelling.

Why AI Innovators Need to Speak Human

Why does so much media coverage about AI miss the mark? What can AI innovators do to get their story told well in the press? Get the essential lessons Tristra Newyear Yeager has learned from seven years of experience with AI clients.

When & How to Hire a Publicity Firm

How do you know if your company is ready to hire a publicity firm? How do you choose a firm that fits your organization? What is PR anyway? Get the tools you need to make the right decisions regarding PR for your company.


We’ve put together a set of amazing resources to get you started on your PR journey.

Cultural Storytelling for Music Creation Tech Companies

Are product reviews enough to tell the world your story? Are you missing out on more valuable press opportunities? Find out how to create a storyfinding process at your music creation tech company and build major media moments with cultural storytelling.

Why AI Innovators Need to Speak Human

Why does so much media coverage about AI miss the mark? What can AI innovators do to get their story told well in the press? Get the essential lessons Tristra Newyear Yeager has learned from seven years of experience with AI clients.

When & How to Hire a Publicity Firm

How do you know if your company is ready to hire a publicity firm? How do you choose a firm that fits your organization? What is PR anyway? Get the tools you need to make the right decisions regarding PR for your company.



Exploring the earthquakes shaking the music industry and the junction where music and technology meet.


Apr 26, 2024

How a PR and Marketing Dream Team is Boosting A New Musical Instrument Kickstarter Campaign

Eleanor Rust
When Playtime Engineering came to Rock Paper Scissors, they had years of experience in product development and logistics with their brainchild Blipblox, the only...
Mar 26, 2024 Dmitri Vietze

Music Tech Hot Takes of the Moment

Every week I send out a curated selection of the top music innovation news, including big money moves in the industry, emerging trends, and...
Feb 20, 2024 Dmitri Vietze

Rock Paper Scanner: Curated Music Innovation News in Your Inbox

The Rock Paper Scissors team is always tracking top-level music innovation trends. Rock Paper Scissors clients get my weekly Rock Paper Scanner newsletter, a...

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